We know our players like to keep up with the latest events in the world of Forza across a variety of sources, from our official social and community channels, in-game messages and livestreams to our blogs here on Forza.net.
17 January 2024- Turn 10 Studios
Sign up today and get the latest Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsport news delivered to your inbox every month.

Today we’re adding newsletters as a new way to stay up to date with everything related to Forza. We expect to deliver these around once a month via email, and they will feature the latest news from our game teams for both Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsport, all in one place.
Sign up at forza.net/newsletter and if you later decide that you no longer wish to receive these emails, there is an option to unregister at forza.net/myforza.

We plan to send out the first newsletter soon. Once you’ve read through it, if you have any recommendations on how we can make it better and more useful for you moving forward, you can share that feedback with us on the Forza Suggestions Hub.